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Scots Scoop

Scots Scoop

RHS student bulletin

Seniors, go to the Counseling Office and see Mrs. Hallmark to order your final Official Transcripts to be sent to your College after Graduation.

Get ready to race! The Rim Drama Department is hosting a Mario Kart Tournament on April 24th after school in the PAC played on the big screen! $3 for entry, $5 for entry and to compete. Come show off your racing skills or cheer on your friends. Don’t miss this fun-filled event. 


It's A Gas" is this month!!  Each year we have Rim students attend this exciting event in Victorville for a chance to win a FREE TRUCK!!!   This huge community event is April 22nd, so mark your calendars and more info will be shared in the coming weeks.  Only Rim students with perfect attendance are eligible, so keep showing up every day, Scots!!


Bear Valley Protection Society is looking for volunteers for their forest rehabilitation projects, and to develop native plant gardens in the community. This would be a great experience to learn about native plants, and how to plant them. If you are interested, see Mrs. Phillips for more information.