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PBIS Information

Rim High School is a participant in Positive Behavior Supports and Interventions  (PBIS), a proactive approach to establishing a school culture that promotes social, emotional, and academic success.  PBIS seeks to teach appropriate social behaviors through a multi-tiered system, involving the school, families, and community. Rim High School recognizes student successes using a point system, which is managed through the PBIS Rewards App. Students may redeem points in the student store on campus, and in teacher’s individual PBIS Rewards stores. The app can be downloaded for free through your app store onto any smart device.

Rim of the World Unified School District has set the expectations that students will be Safe, Responsible, and Respectful on all school campuses and in the community. Please use the link below to visit the Rim of the World District web page for more information about the PBIS program.  The site includes resources and information about Behavior Management Supports that are used in school, and can also be used at home for students experiencing behaviors that are inhibiting social, emotional, and academic growth. Thank you for your support of PBIS!